From left: Marianne Levandowski, Sanja Todorovic Poupinel, Pernille Riddermann Pedersen and Lone Jakobsen. In the picture, Linea Tindahl Ploug is missing, who also has assisted with the video production.
Quinoa as a new crop
Quinoa has only recently been introduced as a new crop for cultivation in Denmark. The area has increased rapidly, and by 2020 there have been 150 hectares of quinoa in Denmark.
Quinoa Quality seeks to create further interest in quinoa as an example of a plant-based protein, used as an alternative to meat. You'll find our full seed catalog here: Quinoa seeds.
Analyzing local quinoa for new options
In a new project with University College Absalon, including a very hardworking group of students, and a range of food companies, Quinoa Quality will compare different types of quinoa to assess their benefits. The plan is to analyze Danish peeled and Danish wholemeal quinoa. How do they react, and how do they differ from each other in terms of nutritional content, cooking time, structure, bite, taste, etc.?
The result is new great tasting dishes
Are there suggestions for how the different products can be included in different meals for individuals or in the food industry? Can we develop recipes and uncover the latest knowledge, especially within sustainability, functional properties, nutritional and sensory qualities? The proposal is to perform targeted measurements, which can be included in the company's marketing of new recipes.
Quinoa in your cooking is limited only by imagination
See the result and the new great-tasting dishes here!
Video: Local quinoa and why it is a good alternative to meat, rice, and pasta.
Video: How to make vegan quinoa a la mande